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The Chip Board Archive 20

grin NCR ~ Thursday Humor (Mature)... 1:08 AM, EST

A census taker, working in a rural/backwoods area, knocked on the door of a ramshackle farm house.

When a blonde woman came to the door, he identified himself and asked if she was the lady of the house. When she confirmed that fact, he then asked her how many children she had and their ages.

"Well, let's see now," she replied. "There's the twins, Sue and Lou - they're seventeen. And the twins, Jason and Mason - they just turned thirteen. Then there's the twins, Maureen and Doreen - they're eleven. And then... "

"Hold on!" said the census taker. "Did you get twins EVERY time?"

"Oh heavens, no!" she replied. "There was hundreds of times, Earl and me, we didn't get nuthin'"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg