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The Chip Board Archive 20

Variation of N2743 (John A's Nugget $1.00)

for those that are in to variations, I thought I'd post about the John A's Nugget $1.00 variation. Presently, there are two blue $1.00 chips listed in the TCR, one with a rim groove and one without. The following variation is of the chip without the rim groove (N2743).

Below are the scans of the two variations, both scans are done at the exact same scanner settings. Examine the two chips and you'll see the differences. What does not show well is the color variation in the denomination. One one the left (we will call "bold font" is much more red then the one on the right, which I will call "thin font". In the scan, it appears purple, but is actually a noticable red vs purple. The two groups of chips I have were collected a couple of years apart. Next to each other they are quite easy to pick out one from the other.

So check your chips and see what you have. I'm assuming that Jay will assign one chip to be N2743.1, but we'll have to hear from him to find out which one it will be. Everyone is welcome to copy the scans shown. I have done them at both 316x316 and 370x370

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Variation of N2743 (John A's Nugget $1.00)
Re: Variation of N2743 (John A's Nugget $1.00)
You got that right ! rofl
Sweet 57 Chevy in that Pic!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg