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The Chip Board Archive 20

I tried to respond to your "36 numbers" post ~~~
In Response To: Bah Humbug ()

~~~ but you had already deleted your post.

There have been posts here explaining some wheels/layouts in Blegium having no 0-00 (1-36)... but I'm not sure of the rules. Perhaps someone could explain.

There was also the "Eagle" wheel in the old American west; 1-36+0-00+SpreadEagle.

The American wheel/layout is the only one where both the 0-2 touch each other for a split, but one needs to be cautious as sometimes it's cleaned up as a 0-00-2 bet. grin

Messages In This Thread

Excuzee Moi for the Faux Pas
Bah Humbug
I tried to respond to your "36 numbers" post ~~~
I did not delete my post(s).
Re: I did not delete my post(s).
I am talking about in Vegas.
Sorry; can't read your mind. Thread was AC casinos

Copyright 2022 David Spragg