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The Chip Board Archive 20

If you Know Tax Rules......

... you will be smarter than the auditor in most cases. I have been through several audits in my life (and 1 corporate audit) and in each case it was just another IRS prick with a pencil up his a$$ trying to intimidate someone.
I have never had to pay additional money but because of an audit the IRS has had to refund additional money to me- at which time they stopped the audit not wanting to uncover more refunds due before finishing. I have interest in 8 oil wells and because of the complex tax laws concerning them, accounting methods, and depletion allowances I have been audited. On EVERY occasion the IRS auditor could be contradicted by ANOTHER IRS AUDITOR, or Official. Over the years there is NO DOUBT in my mind tat the "I" in IRS stands for IDIOT. But these IDIOTS have power so don't screw around with them- DON'T Cheat, and have a Tax Attorney & an Accountant when you visit these vermin (you will mop the floor with these pricks if you do).

It takes a 'special' person to work for the IRS! (one with a long hairless tail)

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"Don't risk an audit: Know Tax rules on gambling"
Re: "Don't risk an audit: Know Tax rules on gambli
If you Know Tax Rules......
When I was in my Chip Heyday

Copyright 2022 David Spragg