New Larger Images Coming March 14th (Sunday)2010
Ordering instructions, please order by number, name, and price. Numbered
chips below correspond with the position on the image page. PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECT. P/H will be $1 for up to 4 chips, $2 for 5-8, & $3 for 9-12 this is the max.There is no pay pal. Check, cash or money order will be fine. My traders
are at this link: Thanks Again.
1 Talisman Cruises (12 Suit) WET $4
2 Talisman Cruises WET $5
3 Texas Treasure I WET $4
4 Texas Treasure II WET $4
5 Tropican Express Laughlin $4
6 Tuscany Casino Las Vegas $3
7 Vacation Village Las Vegas $5
8 Venetian (The) Las Vegas $3
9 Venetian (The) “Blue Man Group” Las Vegas $4
10 Virgin River Casino (H/C) Mesquite $4
11 Virgin River Casino (Sun) Mesquite $4
12 Wendover Nugget Wendover $4
13 Western (White) Las Vegas $3
14 Western (Blue) Las Vegas $4
15 Westward Ho Las Vegas $5
16 Whiskey Petes Jean $9
17 Whiskey Petes Primm $3
18 Wild Wild West Las Vegas $4
19 Wildfire Casino Las Vegas $6
20 Wynn Las Vegas $3