Ordering instructions, please order by number, name, and price. Numbered
chips below correspond with the position on the image page. PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECT. P/H will be $1 for up to 4 chips, $2 for 5-8, & $3 for 9-12 this is the max.There is no pay pal. Check, cash or money order will be fine. My traders
are at this link: www.collectionlibrary.com/richardgummer Thanks Again. Reggie
1 Seneca Gaming & Entertainment Irving, NY $8
2 Sheraton Casino Tunica, MS $6
3 Sho Ka Wah Casino & Bingo Hopland, CA $7
4 Shorty’s Charenton, LA $9
5 Siena Casino (GO LE 1500) Reno, NV $10
6 Siena Casino Reno, NV $7
7 Silver Creek Casino (at the Hilton Garden Inn) Missoula, MT $8
8 Silver Palace Cripple Creek, CO $10
9 Silver Star Casino Philadelphia, MS $8
10 Silverado (CIC) Deadwood, SD $8
11 Silverado (CE Wild Bill) Deadwood, SD $8
12 Sky City Tribal Casino Acoma Pueblo, NM $12
13 Sky City Casino Acoma Pueblo, NM $8
14 Snoqualmie Casino Snoqualmie, WA $7
15 Soboba Casino San Jacinto, CA $8
16 Societe De Baines De Mer (Monte Carlo) Monaco $15
17 Southern Elegance (LE 1998) Savannah, GA $8
18 Southland Park Gaming & Racing West Memphis, AR $8
19 Spirit Mountain Casino Grand Ronde, OR $8
20 Spirti Mountain Casino (10th Anniversary) Grand Ronde, OR $9