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The Chip Board Archive 20

Seven Clans Chip Run

Weather permitting, I will be headed up that way next Saturday.

Black Jack table has $5 and up chips (no $1 chips!)
Poker tables have ONLY 50c, $1 and $5 chips

Prices; post paid in the US are:

50c = $2.00
$1 = $3.00
$5 = $8.00
$25 = $30
$100 = $110

PLEASE! Please, I need a snail mail address if you want chips!

Cash, check, money order, or Pay Pal:

John K. Kallman
P.O. Box 122
Sartel MN 56377
Pay Pal:



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Seven Clans Chip Run
Just Red Lake?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg