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The Chip Board Archive 20

What's all this BUZZ about the Queen Bee?

The Queen Bee chip mystery was a fun chip to research and we thought we had it IDed. When I got the chip on eBay about three years ago, the seller listed it as: USPCC Promotional chip and with several posts here on TCB it seemed to all fit. TGT has listed:

US Playing Card Company
Cincinnati, Oh USA
Mold: PLAIN Crest & Seal
Promotional Chip
Opened: 1930s

From several posts here it was determined that this could be the Queen Bee USPCC chip because early on, chip manufacurers considered all inlaid chips to be Crest & Seals. It also has the BEE Brand USPCC cards logo but at the recent Super Show in Vegas, Gene made contact with someone who has access to some Burt records that show the chip was made special order by Burt in 1963 for a private party. sad It is a very cool inlaid hub mold and that news breaks my heart. I still love this chip but I have to confess that the majority of the chips in my collection are pre 1950 my yob. So I guess there is a new Holy Grail Queen Bee true Crest & Seal chip out there someplace just waiting to be discovered. grin

The Queen Bee chip will eventually be removed from here... check this out! (please give it a minute to load) vbg

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What's all this BUZZ about the Queen Bee?
Seymour Coded Antique Chip project scan donors
Re: What's all this BUZZ about the Queen Bee?
Thanks Gene. USA

Copyright 2022 David Spragg