
from the S & M collection with prices

The "bar of Music" incased penny is the exrta RARE item on this page... It's value is way over $100.00 but for a quick sale $80.00 will get it shipped and insured to you......
The almost new Sans Sousi Casino $5.00 will be $50.00 s/h/i included
There are "TWO eight dollar $8.00 chip's ---
The year of the RAM is $10.00 shipped
The Reno Hilton 2004 LTD. to #600 year of the monkey, chip was recalled and a lot distroyed... check note #22 in "TCR" about this chip....... but some got out and this one is only $50.00 s/h/i
The FITZ $25.00 is faced shipped
The "4" PB ill-eagles will be $20.00 shipped
The other "3" incased penny's will be $10.00 ea. shipped
Skip & Mary Ann's collection going out of business sales