Re: Well.....
I'm watching as Scott Brown gets ready to give his acceptance speech. I am not an American citizen and I live in Mexico by choice. Whatever happens in the USA affects Mexico. Your recessions are our Depressions. I consider myself a conservative and truly believe in small government and people being rewarded for their hard work. I don't like hand outs or freeloaders and I think President Obama's policies go against the American way of life. However when a tragedy such as what has occured in Haiti strikes, I think that compassion must take over. The majority of Haitians make less than 5 bucks a day and there is no way they can rebuild without outside help. I have also seen on Fox that millions of Americans have made donations to the Haiti crisis and I believe many of those people are not exactly living the "vida loca". I just want to take this opportunity to thank the people of Massachusetts for taking the US a little more to the center and hopefully achieve more of a balance in your great country.
Anyway, just thought I'd add my 2 cents' worth
Regards from the Big Enchilada
chris bolton