for posting this,,,,,, BUT the only question I have is,,,,,, How can the Government justify sending Thousands of dollars to other Countries when our OWN are in NEED and doing all they can to take care of their families? I was raised by my Wonderful Parents to Help Everyone I could. I am NOT judging anyone and have No right to but I just don't understand. I for one believe we should make SURE our own are taken care of and then if there is anything left then help others. Am I Wrong???? I try to stay out of these posts and questions but right now I am Dog Paddling and barely staying above water to take care of my Family & My "Angel". I am NOT looking for sympathy or hand out,,,,, I am just astonished that the world is so screwed up that we would do this. Thanks to a lot of my Friends Here I have been able to sell a few much loved chips to help with my situation. But what about all of the other people in the US that doesn't have all the Great Friends I have???? What do they do?? Yea, I have had to sell a lot more than chips to make it till my next pay check. I guess I have myself to blame. Maybe I am a loser and it is my fault. I guess I should go get a second job. But what about all the People that are older than me and have worked all their lives and can't get any help? They can't even get the medical attention they need in the Hospital because Medicare won't pay as much as other Insurance companies!!!! My Dad & Mom worked all their lives and when my Dad passed away my Mom checked on what services were available to her,,,,,,, She was entitled to $13.00 a MONTH Food Stamps!!!!! How screwed up is that???? The Dead Beat Better Health Than You & I that live in the Government Projects get More help than That!!!! I leave for work every morning at 4:15 a.m. and get home at around 4:45p.m. They sit on their A$$es everyday and have more Babies so they can draw MORE!! Sheeeez, I am sorry and I am sure I will be trying my best to figure out how to DELETE this post after I hit the enter button but I am "Tired" and really disgusted. How many of you have had to sell something from time to time to make it? I guess after this post I will have to sell ALL of my chips and take up another Hobby because of all the back lashing but I can't help it. This really bothers me and I wish I could Help each & everyone of you like you have helped me!! Thank You for being there for me & my Family!!!!! I love my Family and I will continue to do everything I can to take care of them till the end!! You all make me laugh and smile and give me something to look forward to each and everyday!! You all will NEVER know what you all mean to me!!! I am NOT jealous, envious, or any of that BS,,,,, I am Thankful for what I have!! I have the Greatest Family & the Greatest Friends in the World!! Maybe we ought to vote in a Dumb A$$ Hillbilly for the NEXT President!!!!

Take care & Have a great night, Mark