No true Casino Aleman in Cuba

After over 3 years of researching Cuba, its Casinos, clubs and chips, I can assure you that there was no "Casino Aleman" in the sense of a gambling Casino of any importance. There appeaed to be 2 "casino Aleman", very small and which were clubs, rather than casinos, since the word Casinos until relatively recent times was used to describe an establishment where people of the same background or who share common interest gathered. The first as mention, was in fact a very old club. As Rich mentions, at that time Cuba used mostly bone chips from Cuba and imported Ivory and MOP, and rarely with names on it, but rather symbols or letters.The other one I have no date, but unlikely to be the "Swastika Chip" since long before the war this meant peace and was not associated with Germany, after the war, nobody would use that symbol associated with Germany. Except for the Swastika chip, I have now seen over 2,000 iffeent Cuba chps and there is no evidence of a casino or German Club of importance. Although a non gambling establishment most likely existed since every country in the world had a club in Cuba.