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The Chip Board Archive 20

4 chip sale - prices reduced again for sale

This is a nice lot of chip's,,, from over a little to a little...
The ill-eagle is of course the cheapest... Hollywood $1,00,, but it is prestenee (new) offer me enought to get me and Mary Ann a big mac and it's yours, we will even split one if that is what it takes... $4.00 and there are more then one ad-vale-a-ble -- buy more then one and get a better deal..

The Castaways is a FAKE (so say the chip GODS) and I'll take A small $20.00 to ship it to you.... thanks...

The BIG jeton is shown BIG because it is next to real chip's.... At 10 lbs. it's a great from over there thing and I'll take a small $20.00 for it shipped to "U" thanks.. this will buy us a small bag of stuff at the grocery story...

Because we did spent the last of our cash on the grand kids at Christmas I will let this great Hard Rock numbered #1 for only $200.00 and that's the cheapest ever... if you want insurance it will be at cost - your cost... really sorry but can't go any lower

thanks Skip and Mary Ann

Copyright 2022 David Spragg