Thanks to the following "chippers" that have sent your $1 chip for the 33 point pool . I know of one other that I spoke with today that is sending his soon!

To date, I have received chips from the following:
-- Andy Hughes
-- David Spragg
-- Steve Blust
-- Kevin Aydelott
-- Jim Follis
-- Don Covello
-- Todd Siegel
-- Ross Poppel
-- Jim Hickle
-- Mike Downey
-- Ellen Springer
-- Mike "Cap'n Q" Quinlivan (*vbg* THANKS for the "extras"!!)
-- Marc Shapiro
-- Jay Sands
-- Stan Kan
Thanks to the following "chippers" that have sent your $1 chip for the Chippers $1 Football pool -- 2nd Half , I've received chips from the following people:
-- Tom Leggio
-- Phyllis Spagnola
-- Irwin Gross
-- Scott Snider
-- Fred Bergman
-- Tony Tricoli
-- Dennis Shoop
Thanks to all who have sent me chips & thanks again to Andy for running these.
Steve B