Great Chip!!
One of my favorite ashtrays...and a story . My husband and I bought this ashtray from a dear friend, with a few other trays, and he gave us a good price. Not long after we bought it, one showed up on ebay...I watched it to see where the price would end up. Two bidders got into a bidding war; the ashtray ended up selling for $3500!!!!!!!
Funny thing was, I was pretty sure that one of the bidders already had the tray (either he was credited with the picture in the ashtray book, or I'd seen him buy one on ebay before that auction...I don't remember which). He was also one who bought a ton of ashtrays on ebay. The other bidder was relatively new to ashtrays. I wondered if the veteran collector was tired of the newbie pushing the prices, and decided to push back. The newbie "won" the a price that was 5-7 times higher than it should have been!!!