Merry Christmas to everyone. I am having a contest to guess the amount of packages I have sitting around my house.
The contest has two parts and they are easy. First part is guess how many unopened packages I have sitting in this chair.
Second part is to guess how many chips total come out of the packages.
Post your guess here on the chipboard, please no emails. Emailed entry's will not count. The contest is open to ONLY. Make sure you name and
number is in your post.
Your guess should look something like this....
2384 Packages/2 Chips
One guess per person. The contest will be closed at 10am PST on Christmas Morning. Winners will be announced later in the day
The person who comes closest without going over to the number of packages in the picture will win the following prizes
The person who comes closest without going over to the number of Chips in the picture will win the following prize
Merry Christmas, and good luck!!