My turn to rant.... Photography is a legal activity in the United States, however law enforcement would like you to think otherwise. Being a photographer and on the wrong side of a misguided government - I was once singled out last August by the DEA (United States Drug Enforcement Administration) for taking photographs of clouds (Thunderstorms Developing). - I was a threat because they had offices in the building over the hill. Here is a link to the photos I took.
By the way the photographs shown in the video were taken legally. This is protected by my constitutional rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
The 911 terrorists never used photography, the Madrid train bombers never used photography, the underwear bomber and the shoe bomber never used photography. Thousands of peaceful photographers each year are harassed by law enforcement officials each year for doing total legal activities. Many of the law enforcement officials will sight laws that don't exist. If you are wanting to plan a terrorist activity you can use Google Maps and Google Earth.
To me the police campaign in Las Vegas is make the citizenry compliant to respect the authority, kind of George Orwell'ish. Keep Calm and Carry On.