first, with regards to internet-accessibility or internet-capability, our membership is way below that 77% number. In my opinion, it is a direct reflection of the age of our members. Many members will call or write but won't e-mail because the don't have access to the internet other than through friends or the library or something similar. The renewal notices that are sent out each quarter offer renewal options both via the internet & snail mail...the majority of our members renew via snail mail. It may be because they don't trust the internet for payments or don't have a "vehicle" for paying on-line or simply a lack of internet access. Whatever the case, internet renewals lag behind those received in the mail.
And as far as a survey goes, it's not likely to happen. With 1500 members, we can't get even 20% to vote for our officers...doubtful that they would respond to such a survey.
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer