Years ago I visited Borland at this apartment when I started collecting chips...this was before he made any chips....I had found a box of Bugsy $5 chips (yes, the ones that are over $1500 now) in a coin store in Orange County, California and paid $1 each for them....It killed me to spend $100 at that time.....I also got some high denomination Gardena Club chips from the same store...
I traded many of those chips to Borland for chips I needed...He had lots of great Nevada chips (all real)...I remember his wife or girlfriend Starr sitting in the next room (she may have been in bed) talking to him as we traded.....I think we mutually agreed that the value of my Bugsy chips was $15 each.....I was happy with that because, at that time, there were no reference books on chips and I had only paid $1 each for them....
Borland seemed like a nice guy and I was hppy with the trades we made....I think he got around 25 of the Bugsy chips from me....
I doubt that he thought the chips he made would cause an uproar with some people....