to report, Jim. Most "policy" discussions happen either at the mid-year BoD meeting or the convention BoD meeting. Any policy announcements are usually made, either on the message board or both here and the
message board. The only recent policy changes were the convention fee changes and those were announced. Many times, we ask the membership for their opinions on certain things before we make final decisions (such as the calendar), but nothing else really comes to mind as far as recent policy changes.
Doug Smith & I, in particular, have tried to make ourselves very accessible to the members by showing our "faces" often on this BB. As a matter of fact, I've been told by some, that I post TOO often. We are here...ALL of the
's BoD members read this BB. It's best to conduct club business on the club board, but (as you & others have seen) we will also respond to inquiries on this BB.
Steve Bedo