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The Chip Board Archive 20

grin A very BIG "Thank You" to everyone...

that either bought a date, bought one of the forthcoming "Casino Collectibles" calendars or bought both!! grin

In total, we sold 113 dates & to date, we have sold 94 calendars. The time for buying a date has passed, but you can still order a calendar. We are ordering only a few extras in order to keep our costs to a minimum, so if you'd like to order one, please e-mail me within the next few days. You can pay for it by using the club's PayPal account or you can mail payment (payable to the ccgtcc -- $18 including shipping) to me.

I'd like to thank everyone involved with this project -- Todd Barrett, Neal Silverman, The ccgtcc BoD, EVERYONE that provided pictures & scans of gaming-related items to Todd...and to everyone that bought a date(s) and/or a calendar(s).

I'd also like to thank those ccgtcc members that bought "banner ads" -- CT Rodgers, Sheldon & Christine Smith (OneNevadaDollar), Ricky Puskin (, and Spinetti's (Mike Spinetti). These people consistently support this club & its endeavors & should be thanked -- support them as well!! grin

And a final thank you to the MOGH for purchasing a month. Please also support them as (I believe) they are a major key to helping our club & our hobby grow.

Calendars get mailed mid-November -- I can't wait!! vbg

Steve Bedo
ccgtcc Membership Officer

Messages In This Thread

grin A very BIG "Thank You" to everyone...
Re: grin A very BIG "Thank You" to everyone...
Can't Wait
Thank you for your time to put it together
Thanks To All Who Made This Happen!!! grin grin grin
No Steve, WE "Thank You" ! grin grin grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg