that either bought a date, bought one of the forthcoming "Casino Collectibles" calendars or bought both!!
In total, we sold 113 dates & to date, we have sold 94 calendars. The time for buying a date has passed, but you can still order a calendar. We are ordering only a few extras in order to keep our costs to a minimum, so if you'd like to order one, please e-mail me within the next few days. You can pay for it by using the club's PayPal account or you can mail payment (payable to the -- $18 including shipping) to me.
I'd like to thank everyone involved with this project -- Todd Barrett, Neal Silverman, The BoD, EVERYONE that provided pictures & scans of gaming-related items to Todd...and to everyone that bought a date(s) and/or a calendar(s).
I'd also like to thank those members that bought "banner ads" -- CT Rodgers, Sheldon & Christine Smith (OneNevadaDollar), Ricky Puskin (, and Spinetti's (Mike Spinetti). These people consistently support this club & its endeavors & should be thanked -- support them as well!!
And a final thank you to the MOGH for purchasing a month. Please also support them as (I believe) they are a major key to helping our club & our hobby grow.
Calendars get mailed mid-November -- I can't wait!!
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer