A few months ago, 500 or 600 of these chips in various denominations came up for sale. As I recall, the original seller wanted around $5000+ for the set. They never sold. The seller later sold 300 of them for $255 + S&H. The purchaser of those 300 chips was selling them in sets, but it appears a decision was made to sell them individually. So basically there are two sellers of these chips on out there.
One of the sellers claims that these chips were used in the first season of "Las Vegas" and that the chips were changed in later seasons. That very possible - the show was on for a number of years, and they may have run out of chips. However, I recently purchased the first season of the show on DVD, and in the pilot episode, here are some scans:
These images seem to be consistent with the chips I have (and sold):
These are the chips that are currently selling on :
I have only gone through the first episode of the first season, so I cannot say that the chips may have been changed during that time, but it would make more sense to me that if they were ever changed, it would be during later seasons.
Q: So maybe the chips you sold are the fakes and these are the real deal? A: Don't think so. I purchased two cases of chips - one from a person that got them from a Jimmy Johnson charity auction (he appeared on the show) and a similar case from an NBC executive. I have some documentation on both, and every screen capture I have ever seen shows that the version of chips I sold are the ones on .
I have seen some fakes of these chips previously sold on - note the name of the casino is mispelled:
I did purchase two of the chips currently on sale to see if that would help me to figure out if they were actual prop chips - it didn't. Until I can find a screen capture of this version of the chip, I am holding off on buying a set (and that price is high regardless).