~~~ of the $500 chips make it to market.
Everything seems very secure; meaning that there is lots of interest in the $500 chips for the principle to not dump a portion of the chips after sellng off a few... All I'm reading is that there are now more buyers for the $500 chip than there are chips [I see examples going to Wales, Portsmouth, London; Monaco, Berlin and of ourse here in the USA...] and if all interested parties hold to their initial proposals as the seller noted, that value will remain up to the point where the seller holds back on additional sales, and then, and only then, will the chip take off like a bat out of Hell...
At least that's what I think...
It's all here in black and white; that the seller's in box is overflowing with buyers at the $250 level.... Do it.
...and I still say the seller should at least sell one example of the $500 chip to the person who bid the $250... and then perhaps a few more to me.