No need to apologize because we are "ALL" adults... okay, maybe not all of us, but we are in America, the land of free speech. So, write what you need to or feel like... let it out and feel better!
Besides, no matter what you say/write, there will always be someone who will not like it. Believe me, I always seem to write something that someone doesn't like.
I too, love casino chips - Las Vegas used-good condition $5 house chips to be precise... the way they feel, the sounds they make, counting them and stacking them. I also agree, the value of the chip is what you, the collector, believes it to be worth to you. I have probably over paid on some of my chips and may have, once or twice, underpaid (based on the chip value guides), but, I am not into this "chip collecting" thing to make money (no dealer here). I do not collect to sell, trade, or as an investment. I simply collect as a vintage/nostalgic link to Las Vegas history hence, the used condition – rich in history (chips that are used have a history, a life, they have seen action and not some dark drawer like the mint or uncirculated condition chips, besides, who knows who handled them)?
I did have some chips that I actually picked up as extras when I first started collecting, but I donated them (see, no dealer here). Of course, I am still picking up some which I already have... probably will donate them for next years' convention or take them out to the gun range for target practice (expensive targets!).
As for the chip selling thing, I believe it is more of a economy issue. People are holding onto their money or are only interested in really great deals right now. There are several chips on E-Bay right now that I need, but simply can not afford. Some dealers have worked with me to do payment plans (2 ~ 3 months), but simply, I just have to watch my P's & Q's at this time.
Keep Your Chin Up, Keep Posting, And Be A Little Patient!!!
Thomas (R-7788)