Unusual Chips For Sale
Two chips in a set. They apparently are not illegal’s. I will provide a description of use and mfgr. with each purchase of these Oregon chips (circa 1990). One set (one of each – 2 chips) - $14 Postage & Insurance included, mailed in a protective mailer. Two sets (two of each - 4 chips) ; $19 P&I included, three sets (3 of each - 6 chips); $24 P&I included, five sets $34 P&I included (5 of each – 10 chips). Have bulk if you desire (50 sets available). The colors, red & black, are apparently unusual for the colors & denominations indicated. I will consider a trade (ONE CHIP FOR ONE CHIP pre-1990) but, please note these are mint stage chips.
I wil post this again on saturday, thanks for looking