the name of that is.
Mission Cigar Store. Early 40's but before 1943.
The building is still there today. as well as the barber shop. The building to the left of the barber shop was the Boston Cafe and it burnt down in 1943 and the new Chief Hotel was built in its place and dedicated in Dec of 1946. Just closed down 2 years ago. (Had a great steak too)
The Cascade Club to the right had 13 slot machines and Poker and Pan in the back.
The Mission Cigar Store had about 10 slot machines but no cards in the store. If you look real close just to the right of the main door there is another door and that led to the basement called "The Hole" and that is where the cards were played. The Cascade Club and The Mission Cigar Store were only 2 of the 13 gambling establishments in Cascade ID.
Hope this helps you.