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The Chip Board Archive 20

Chippers 12th Annual Pro Football $5 Contest! DRAW

The first game starts on Thursday, September 9th!

Andy - Las Vegas

Andy Hughes - Green Bay Packers
Ralph Myers - Detroit Lions
Fred Hempel - Seattle Seahawks
Geri Hempel - Cleveland Browns
Marc Shapiro - Baltimore Ravens
Kevin Aydelott - New York Jets
Jeff Liess - Minnesota Vikings
Nate Pincus - Kansas City Chiefs
Barry Hauptman - Saint Louis Rams
Doug Spear - Washington Redskins
Jim Follis - Dallas Cowboys
Dave Trevett - Arizona Cardinals
Todd Buechler - Atlanta Falcons
Jay Sands - Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Stan Kan - New Orleans Saints
Judy Wuerth - Miami Dolphins
Steve Blust - Denver Broncos
James Stroud - Pittsburgh Steelers
Dennis Garnier - Tennessee Titans
Stu Lovett - Jacksonville Jaguars
Don Covello - Carolina Panthers
David Spragg - San Francisco 49ers
Phil Doroskio - San Diego Chargers
Tarl Cooley - Buffalo Bills
Paul Biggs - Oakland Raiders
Dennis Shoop - Philadelphia Eagles
Bruce Kay - Chicago Bears
Doug Johnson - Houston Texans
Bob Orme - New York Giants
Fred Lamb - New England Patriots
Michael Downey - Cincinnati Bengals
Steve Bedo - Indianapolis Colts

Messages In This Thread

Chippers 12th Annual Pro Football $5 Contest! DRAW
Thank you Andy!!
Thank You
Thanks Andy vbg
grin Thanks, Andy grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg