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The Chip Board Archive 20

for trade for sale Set of the Week for sale for trade

Good morning everyone, here is the set of the week the Casino Niagra with the scarce 2004 G. O. chip included.

When ordering please add $1 for postage and handling for each set ordered. Sets of 5 chips or more will require extra postage. Members of the CC-GTCC please include your membership # when making your first order. Non members; your first orders I will hold your order until paid. I accept checks, cash & money orders. Sorry, NO pay pal. For my
Listing of Traders go to: Thanks for all past orders & taking time to look at this post. Reggie
Ordering and information requests: Please email me direct.

This is the second to last time these chips will be offered as a set before disbanding them as sets. They will be sold as individual chips starting at the Great Lakes Show Oct 23rd 2010. And/or placed with my traders.

Casino Niagra Niagra Falls, ONT $16 (3 Piece Set)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg