I received these in the consignment lot I am offering. Both sides of each denomination (5, 25 and 100) are shown.
Offered as a set of 3 for $20, which includes shipping in the US, I can only offer 17 complete sets . (Three sets are already reserved, which means I can only make 20 sets total as a function of only having 20 of the 5's.)
First come, first served and I make no representation of casino validity, however they give every indication of being Bud Jones made CICs. These are the very same chips once offered here for a great deal of money with the catchy sales arguement that these will never be available for less.
Well, they are now!
As before, this consignment lot accepts PayPal and most forms of snail mail payments.
Hang a message here and I'll email you, or feel free to send an email my way.
Thanks for looking!