I'm trying to create an online catalog of casino room keys at www.casinoroomkey.com. Prior to using the program, I was uploading individual front/back scans of each key and creating each page by writing the html...which even when copying prior pages was a pain.
Using C.A., I'm using the 2D reports section of the program to generate pdf files that are VERY similar to what previously took a lot of work. I tweaked one of the predesigned formats that came with the program to reflect the data I wanted to appear about each key and in the layout I was previously using.
Probably two of the benefits that I'm enjoying the most are (1) updating the pages is a breeze, and (2) now I will be far more prepared when deciding if I need a key or not -- especially in situations such as being at the convention where I've only had my memory (which continues to fade with each year ) to rely on in the past.