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The Chip Board Archive 20

Update on Bulletin Board costs

If you didnt see this post of mine from Friday night, Id like you to read it:

Now, an update

I had a very good response through people taking up banner ads or sponsoring existing ones and donations.
I forecast that when I take into account all the various 'pledges' and funds not yet received, it will cover all the outstanding costs.

I cant guarantee I can predict future costs exactly but would hope the banner ads will continue to cover those.
So while people who wish to are free to donate, I am no longer 'begging' grin and hope not to need to again.
Those wishing to take banner ads should consider that this not only supports the ongoing running of the bb's but also benefits your own business should you have one, so they are an extremely cheap way of advertising regardless.

Details of all that once again is here:

So I would like to thank all the existing and new banner advertisers, the donators (anonymous and not), and the other pledgees on this bb - Leo Tan, Greg Birdsell, Smitty (and Charles Davis the first buyer) and Pam Holmgren.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg