Of the 30 chips, all are the same color of hot-stamping, which is Dark Red when viewed without a light source reflecting into your eyes, and glowing Red when viewed with reflecting light. Hard to describe, but... The hot-stamping used is a reflective red and it has two colors of red depending on the viewing angle in relation to a light source. These two color variations are very consistent between all 30 chips.
As for the color of white, well guess what, there are two versions of white! Not sure I would define as White and Dark White, but, when viewed on edge, there are definately two different shades. However, beyond that, the finish of the whiter versions are shiney and the finish of the dirtier versions is matte.
From my original set, 14 are white (shiney) and 1 is dark white (matte). From the current set, 10 are shiney and 5 are matte!