Re: Heading to Wendover tonight. Anyone need anyth

You might head over to the Red Garter that's in the process of being bought by another casino. When I was there a couple of months ago, the pit boss told me that all the original Red Garter chips had just been destroyed. The men in suits came into the cage area, rounded up all the chips stored there and shred them in little pieces.
Their original $1 and $5 chips were classy with the saloon girl hiking her skirt to show off her garter. Color was a tan, red and black.
Here's the bonanza. The new company has issued a hat and cane chip, very plain and simple. $1 is white, $5 is red and $25 is green. All have old gold hot stamped the name "Red Garter".
I was told by the pit boss that these are temporary chips and as soon as the deal goes through for the sale, they are going to do the same thing with these temporary chips....shred them and issue the new ones. He heard some rumors that the new name might have the words, "Wiskey" or "River" in the name.
You can do a google search to learn about the casino's pending sale.
Now, the best part. I bought five of the $1 and one of the $5 temporary chips for my collection, but I have since learned that I should have bought a few more. I put the spare $1 white chips up on EBAY, except one that I kept for my collection, and they all brought over $20 each. I guess the old chips have increased in value now since the last remaining live ones have been destroyed.
Hope you can cash in like I did or I just got lucky and found four collectors willing to get their hands on a soon to be very scarce chip.
The poker room at the Montego Bay is my favorite, but higher stakes poker is played at the Rainbow Casino. The others do not offer holdem' except an occasional game at the Gold Nugget.
Hope I didn't bore you with this information.