At the 2009

convention, Dale Seymour gave permission to assemble an on line illustrated guide to Seymour Coded Antique Gambling Chips. Roy Klein and I got started on the project a year ago this week and we were joined in the project by Jim Garrard and Roger DeVree. The project really began to take shape when Mick Cuddy joined in the project a short time later along with Jim Myers and Ralph Strandwold. Many collectors contributed scans to the project including Rich Hanover, James Belligan, and a host of others. The result is an on line TOOL and you can now view the links to our Antique Chip Project on Mick Cuddy's web site here--> --> then click on the link at the bottom left in red to view our chip project that Mick has named, "Illustrated Guide to Seymour Coded Chips." This will give you everything including All New Codes through our coded session at the convention.
If you find an old chip that is not shown or you have a chip that is not illustrated with a scan of the actual chip, please let us know.