A while back, Derek sent me this picture that he took of a group of antique chips for sale in a local antiques store. Derek was asking me if any of them were worth worth buying so I pointed out several that would get if I did not already have them and I asked him to get me the two chips in the bottom left of the picture and pointed out the other Die Cut Inlaid "CI" chip pictured middle right. Derek bought some of the chips and offered me the DCI "SC" & "CI" chips and we worked out a trade on the "SC" DCI chips at the bottom left of the picture.
I got the chips from Derek a few days ago and sat them aside with several other DCI chips I bought at the convention. Tonight I was looking up chips in Jim Forsman's post and ran across Derek's "SC" DCI chips in Kregg's Guide to US Playing Card Company and BINGO the "SC" DCIs are listed... and this is where it gets interesting.

Derek's "SC" DCI chip is listed with 13 other "SC" DCI chips and most of them are UFCs as is the chip in question that Derek sent me. Derek lives in Canada I thought it was very interesting that Derek's USPCC DCI chip would turn up in Canada??? If you look at the next listing in Kregg's Guide for "SC" DCIs it is for the SASCATOON CLUB opened in 1917 in Sascatoon, Sascatchewan. Derek lives in Kelowna, British Columbia... 747 miles from Saskatoon. The rest is all pure speculation!

Like Gene says, "Without the history, they are little pieces of clay!"
It is a very cool chip Derek and thanks for sending it to me. I hope you got one for yourself!