The Code assignments were done by Ralph Strandwold and myself. We were blessed with the presence of Dale Seymour and Steve Bowling with Dale fielding many questions from the group. Roy Klein brought about 20 pounds of beautiful antique chips and everybody oogled over them. Jim Garrard flew 2500 miles just to be a part of the session and he brought some great antique traders too. Rog Devree drove as many miles and he is still on his way home to the Detroit area hitting as many antique shops that he can find along the way. Peter Smith sat down and went to school on the group. Several other collectors stopped by to see what was going on but I think we might have been the only group in the room that had a flask!

We had a great time and we are all talking about the possibility of an annual Antique Code Session. Thanks for your help making this happen Jim.