back home despite Alaaska Airlines best attempts to scuttle the whole deal. another great convention for me. Really very good for the soul to visit with the most decent and kindest folks you can imagine! I've shown up busted and disgusted at athese clambakes baefore and have been sent home whole baefore and this time I really needed all the support and encouragement more than ever. NOthaing like a Sunday Silsverman hug to get you right!

Thanks to Alex at the pokaer tounament for making me lqugh at the poker tournament. when I explained that I felt perhaps playaers who had had brain surgrtey within thes last 7 months ought to get a discounst on tshe entry fee, hae aremaarked that " so, you probably feel likea you're in a supermarket in Bakersfield?"
I needed the supordt friends, because frankly, I've hit the wall on the good spirits Hoo rah.
and of course you all treatead my sister/caretker/dsguaardian as anpther sister chipper and made her task of keeping me out of Bakersfield and on schdule much more enjoyable, shoot Joe Pavlik even gifted her a personal chip! *b*
Had my lst chemo an hour ago, no sweat, so I'll see all you folks in
2011 and it'll bae evaen better!