I tried to save my home. I really did. But, the amount of cash needed to cure my mortgage loan started to grow at a rather furious pace when attorney fees and court filing fees were piling up along with the delinquent payments and late charges. I had managed to stash away more than 60% of the cure amount, and was going to see if the mortgage company would work with me by accepting those funds, halting the foreclosure process and setting up a workable payment schedule to bring the loan current over the next 6 months.
Last week, the clutch system in my car sorta ate itself. The throwout bearing lost more than half of its ball bearings and 10 teeth on the pressure plate broke off. The cost to get that fixed drained my funds to a point where I couldn't even offer 50% of the cure amount. As the saying goes, sometimes when it rains, it pours.
Oh well. It could have been worse. At least the weather is warm.