Guess I will treasure The Town Taverns that I have

I bought one dollar in chip in SU condition many years back and I balked when I was charged a measly 6.00 for it and the reply I got was something like " You don't understand, this is REALLY hard to get!" now I fully appreciate the effort they went through to get the chip ! They have become rare chips, they don't show up on Ebay much and they prices go pretty high, I would love to see the the Chip Rack and see what the values are now ! We all want what we cant have!! THE HARDER it is for us to acquire the more we want it, I bet the chips are really worn by now. Can you imagine if they reorder ?? I bet many will find their way there then. If anyone goes dress way down, no watch or rings. I still say my blue mechanics jumpsuit might blend in better than touristy clothes !! I felt weird when I left the comfort bubble of downtown to brave the Western and had to pass many street corners where the drug dealers were eyeballing me (stupid me I went alone!) but it was daytime. Hookers and I mean really tore up ugly hookers were spread out, one walk by me and shouted out really loud " B- jobs!!!" almost as if she was mocking me cause I was waaaay outta my element. Got my chips that they reluctantly sold me after I toked them and they told me if I wanted anymore that I would have to play to get them. I left and sped walked back to the Golden Nugget and felt lucky I made it back !! I also had too much cash on me but it was in my shoe. Always go in pairs or a group cause that was D>U>M>B> !! Ahh what chippers will do for a score