New Casino collectibles store #1...Sin City Collectibles, opened on May 15, 2010. Operated by Jerry Herzog and Lou Lucci...neither of whom was there when we were . Mrs. Jerry was there, and I believe she said that she and her husband are club members...a lot of you probably know Lou who knows lots of casino stories...
I know this shop has been mentioned on the board...I think Frank (something or another) owns it. Frank opened his shop a couple of months (or so) ago, but moved two or three doors down about 10 days ago.
We didn't manage to get to Spinettis during business hours
Rich Burgel opened a new shop that wasn't open yet when we were in town . It's just a couple of doors away from the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop (you know... "Pawn Stars"), and will be very easy to find just from the paint job on the building...sorry, I didn't get a picture
. His opening date, according to the sign, was May 24.
Since I don't have a picture of Rich's shop, here's a couple of Gold & Silver pics
As you would expect, the parking lot was packed, the store was crowded with lookers, none of the show stars were there, and they were selling lots of souvenir T-shirts but not much else (as far as I could tell).
This was the coolest thing I noticed
Pic below is from the neon boneyard and is unrelated to the content of this post .