- Happy Birthday Shoop!
- Octagonal Chit of the day...............
- Personal chipl for Saturday
$1 Colorado Belle
$100 Sands Regency
$25 chips
$5 chips
NCR ~ Saturday Humor (Mature)... 2:17 AM, EDT
Does anyone want to trade?
- Has everyone received the Halloween plaque?
- I wood have remembered if I did not get it
- No plaque...but I did receive a nice card!!
- Re: Has everyone received the Halloween plaque?
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 10-23...NCR
- Re: HOTROD OF THE DAY for 10-23...NCR
- NCR: Thinking about buying a smart car?
- NCR: You might want to give it some more thought
- Re: Where is the other half?
- Go Rangers!!!
Now I need the...
- Yuk...sorry, I'd rather the Giants win it.
- Would rather see Roy "Doc" Halladay win a ring!
- Another Fremont variation. Half dollar, V2555...
- Congrats to the Ranger fans...
- Judy, it was too hard to watch
- I agree...painfull...I'm almost
- I've been a Yankee fan for most of my life
- UV Variation, Fremont $1 CIC V2557...
- What's the object at the Harolds Club casino cage?
- It looks like some kind of switch board.
- Looks like a switchboard or something
- Re: What's the object at the Harolds Club casino c
- Reno Chips for Less Than Face on
- No Bids... Any Offers?
- MGM Grand has a New $1 chip
- I was on fire today....
- Re: I was on fire today....
- Can anybody top this story???
- Top his story? maybe match it! bad PUN
- I guess you have not been to the pool...
- A few hours lrft on a couple of items
Just a couple days left
Harveys Cars 3 piece chip set
1995 NFR $25 Trop chip.
- NEED Chip Rack #'s
More AC chips ending soon
2 NEW $5 Washington chips
Set of 3 Jerry's Nugget $5 car chips
- A Minute For Some ID Help
- Re: A Minute For Some ID Help
- Re: A Minute For Some ID Help
- Re: A Minute For Some ID Help
- http://cashcoinconnection.com/Casino/USA/CA/CA_Ind
- Re: http://cashcoinconnection.com/Casino/USA/CA/CA
- No comment! -30-
- I dont have a problem with that pic.
- Re: Ad chips?? personal?? business card??
- You still down in Laguna? Doin' okay??
Playing cards from The Point at Bonaire...
- Re:
Playing cards from The Point at Bonaire.
- Scott, email sent! Thanks, Jim
- I would like a deck, Jim!
- You're covered! Thanks, Jim
Gardnerville-- Sharkey's
- Been There!!
- Re:
Sharkey's...we were there...
- Re:
Sharkey's...we were there...
- I stopped by and talked to Sharky many times
- Interesting finds at The Orleans poker tables....
Ballys Reno 500 NCV N2751
- Got one thanks to Steve B. Now I....
- My 1st octogon
- Bob, very nice!! Would you like to...
- Hey Jim!
Do you need that one? I...
- Andy, email sent, but, Yes.
- Re: Bob, very nice!! Would you like to...
- Very Nice Bob. Thanks for sharing
- Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What City and State Plz
- Gardena, California
- Thank you.
- Today's SNAPPER
- Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd on chips
Shoe Cap & Whip PS-JS
- $6 shipped
Harrahs Brass & LeeLanau Sands
- Re: $6 shipped
- Re: $6 shipped
- Chip for Today
- buy a monkey 4 $13
shipped free
- thanks again Jim
- 9 are sold ... 11 are remaining.
- mixed um up
new ones added
- California Chip Of The Day! A Beautifull Chip!!!
- One piece of a great set!!
- Indeed!
1 Day left for a chance at this Rack!
$101 million dollar Mega Millions drawing!!!
- Thanks Steve and Bob!!! Jim
- Thanks Bob & Steve!
- $101 Mega Million Thanks!
- Thanks Guys
- thanks
- $101 Mega Jackpot? I'm In!
- Jim, u r in.
- Re:
$101 million dollar Mega Millions drawin
- Business Card of the Day
- Picture1..front view
- Picture2..sign
- add a few ringers find umm
all 4 1 money
- Skip, you've twisted my arm! I will take...
- Jim-bo thanks send D $$$$ to me
- Gaming Token of the Day
- Nickle of the day
- Oklahoma/Missouri Contest! READ the CATCH!
- Oklahoma/53
- Okla/48
- Oklahoma/69
- Sooners/55
- Missouri / 13
- Re: Okla. 44 pts.
- Missouri/56
- Oklahoma 59
- Your entry does not count, Gary
- Oklahoma/50
Brass Core chips
- Re:
Brass Core chips
Harrah's $2.50
Harvey's $2.50 & $5
4 Higher Value Chips
- How many different molds were the Casino...
- Found Scans but still would like to know...
- Re: Found Scans but still would like to know...
- You answer is on the Fantasies & Fakes page
- One more value please... Sams Town Gold River
- E3107 - "E" Value in the 11th Ed of TCR
Large and Small Crowns
- 2 for 1 $5 Chip Trade
- Need chip value please... Harrah's Laughlin
- E3802 - "D"
- Thanks!
- My apologies to Doug Smith...
- ...and you still have to time get out here to
- As far as I am concerned it is...
- Andy, agreeing to pay the bubble
- I've Heard it Referred to as a "Safety"
- I have to agree with Andy on this one...
- Re: My apologies to Doug Smith...
Flamingo Sic-Bo
A Page a Day
P.J.'s Pockets
Oyster Bay
- Octagonal Chip of the day...
- Personal chip for Friday
- A couple fof items on
ending soon
- Where is that PIC from?
- Re: Where is that PIC from?
- Thanks Ruben !
chips mother of pearl 1900-1925
- chips mother of pearl 1900-1925
$100 Trump Plaza chip
- Re:
$100 Trump Plaza chip
- SKYLOFTS at MGM Grand thingie... What is it?...
- The Skyloft at MGM Grand
- Bedpan?
- I doubt that MGM
- Mark, this pic appears to be yours...
- Re: Mark, this pic appears to be yours...
- SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Re: SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Employees Cafeteria covers all
- How About Free Admission For.....
- Great ideas.....but........
- A modest proposal
- Re: A modest proposal
- Give a selection of free tickets to one or more...
- Re: Give a selection of free tickets to one or mor
- Jim, glad you like the concept!...
- Just an idea
- Re: Just an idea
- Just checked my last name...
- Re: SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Re: SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Re: SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Re: SUPER SHOW ideas to get more members?
- Last of the Old Canadian Chips
- SOLD 1 minutes 37 seconds
Donation to the American Cancer Society for..
- Andy, thanks for organizing this!...
- Re: Andy, thanks for organizing this!...
- That's right, Joel...
- Yep, I Watched It Unfold..
- Re: Yep, I Watched It Unfold..
- Thanks Jay I took advanage of the info. w/ 1 over
- Great tournament, great cause..Thanks Andy
- Re:
Donation to the American Cancer Society
- Re:
Donation to the American Cancer Society
- Re:
Donation to the American Cancer Society
- Andy YOUR the BEST Thanks Tommy & RV
- Thanks again for doing this, Andy
- I had a Great time for a Great Cause.
- Re:
Donation to the American Cancer Society
- Thanks, Neal!
Thanks Andy, Big fun
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 10-22...NCR
- Collectors of Win Cards "stuff". Royal Caribbean..
MISC Chips #1
NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature) 12:05 AM, EDT
- Auction has ended!
They call her THE CRUSHER
- Nite-nite to all
100 Harrah's Sultan & Harem
Survivor Nicaragua update
Last call on the SilverBird chip set
Sunflower Club, El Rancho-Wells, Frisco Club
- Ivery Chip Experts: Is this a modern chip?
- As I have mentioned with c&s .....
- Thanks for the ID, Rich
- In regards to your website....
- 35 Auctions ending in 1 hour...
10.00 shipped..older CA. Lrg Crown
John Riggins LE collection Sale 18
- Lot
John Riggins LE collection Sale 17
John Riggins LE collection Sale 16
I will take there too
- Ok, will email you after dinner.
John Riggins LE collection Sale 15
John Riggins LE collection Sale 14
John Riggins LE collection Sale 13
- Stan & Marge Wigodski
Sands $20 Stacker set
- Re: If you are thinking of playing the Greg Susong
- Foreign chips, set, snappers, et.al.
- You may want to try a larger scan
- email with scan sent
- Re: Foreign chips, set, snappers, et.al.
LV-- Sikver Dollar
- Re:
LV-- Sikver Dollar
LV Trop LE quarters blowout
- Playboy AC Roulettes
- Can the smokers Smoke at tonights Tour. 6PM
- Re: Road Trip Report: New WI Chips, St. Croix Casi
- Re: Road Trip Report: New WI Chips, St. Croix Casi
- Re: Variation ?
NCR: I have 1 room key from the hotel...
- Aero Club Chips from Portland Oregon
- After the Poker Tournament Tonight
- I am out
- Yes, in the works
- California Chip Of The Day!
- Siena closes it's doors
- Sign on the door
- Poker stars $$ needed for tonight
- If any takers please email me Thanks
- So Maybe I should leave the "I Played"
- now now
- do it Neal!!!!! then we can have fun again!
- It Was
- Neal your not a nice person
for tonight
- YES!
- Cosmo Casino
- Re: Cosmo Casino
Baseball chips $7 each
- I'll take the Moose
Moose Skowron
- Today's SNAPPER
- Prop chips from the
show "The Defenders"
- The Gambler's General Store...
- Re: The Gambler's General Store...
- The Orleans in L.V.
- Chip for Today
- Las Vegas Light(ning)
- Re: Las Vegas Light(ning)
- Re: Las Vegas Light(ning)
- That's a cool picture!
- Awesome Vegas Picture! Thks 4 Sharing!
- Bob, is the vantage point of that shot...
- cool shot Bob
- NCR: Tess & I in Pisa Italy
- NCR: Another shot of Pisa
- NCR: Tess & I in Siena Italy
- NCR: Another shot of Siena Italy
- NCR: AH! Tuscany country.
- NCR: Tess & I in Florence Italy
- Re: NCR: Tess & I in Florence Italy
- Re: NCR: Tess & I in Florence Italy
- It was a bit cool.
- Beautiful PICs, thanks for sharing!
- Thanks Rick!
- Nice shots Tracy..have fun!
- Thanks Bill!! Having a great time!
- Is it me, or is that tower tiltin' ?
- Thanks John!
- Re: NCR: Another shot of Pisa
- Yes, its open again. You can go to the top.
- Re: Yes, its open again. You can go to the top.
- Yes, it's pretty amazing.
- Selling AC Chips
- Re: Selling AC Chips
- Re: Selling AC Chips
- SUPER SHOW collectible show flyer
- Business Card of the Day
- Picture1..demolition
- Re: Picture2
- I Don't Recall The Demolition......
- Common or rare?
- Obviously not rare or an R-8/9
- Not "obvious" to me....
- Re: Not "obvious" to me....
- Re: Not "obvious" to me....
- Re: Not "obvious" to me....
- One other question though.
- Re: One other question though.
- I actually sold
- Re: I actually sold
- Sorry I misunderstood the question
- Not all the Harrahs Harem roulettes are common
- Re: Common or rare?
$1 and $2.50 Diamond Casino
SilverBird chips
- I am open to offers too.
- There has got to be someone out there....
- Re:
SilverBird chips
- BID $ 8.95
- HIGH BID is $ 8.95!
- Well, Just 2 days to Great Lakes Collectibles Show
- Which way to the Splash Bar
- Splash Bar EAST? We will have to ...
- There is a Splash Bar East......
- Splash Bar Midwest
- Wi-Fi at site
- Yes, FREE Wi-Fi here Mike ! ! !
- Illegal Of The Day Illinois-Chicago 3
- great!!!!!!!!!
- Yes, TY Robert and Gene!
- more inforamtion on the place,& Frolics chips
- Re: Thanks Robert I added..
- Re: more inforamtion on the place,& Frolics chips
- thanks for the info gene
- Re: Illegal Of The Day Illinois-Chicago 3
- Gaming Token of the Day
$5 Vintage New Frontier Las Vegas Chip
- Just had to post this picture...NCR
- Too young to have a drinking problem!
- Nickle of the day
- Happy Birthday Fred Hempel & Greg Susong
- Greg Susong
- Have a VerHappy Birthday Fred
- Happy Birthday Fred & Greg
- Happy Birthday Fred & Greg
Happy Birthday Fred & Greg!!!
- Happy B'day Fred, And Remembering Greg as Well
- Happy Birthday Fred ....
- what date is the Superbowl show this year?
- Re: what date is the Superbowl show this year?
- Thanks Ralph !!!!!!
- Here is the flyer
Ending soon AC Roulette and other
A Page a Day
- Octagonal Chip of the day...
- Received this email from Sunfly today:
- Personal chip for Thursday
NCR ~ Thursday Humor... 12:13 AM, EDT
Westward Ho Roulettes
- Re:
Westward Ho Roulettes
- Email me a picture plz
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 10-21...NCR
- Only 72 Short
- Make that 3 more people
- I would love to play, but gotta work
- Foreign Chips & Plaques in todays mail
- Another chip added to my Hot Stamp Project
- Cheap $1 chips
O'sheas Thanksgiving 2001 $100 Chip
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- Question About the Susong Memorial Tournament
- Re: Question About the Susong Memorial Tournament
- There's always late registration, but I think that
- How are you going to register without the...
- Re: How are you going to register without the...
- Why don't you sign up & join in when you can?
- These look like generic chips to me..
- I bet it weighs a bit more than a silk dress.
- Bel Air Club, Concord,CA
- $250.00 on $1.00 bet
- Re: $250.00 on $1.00 bet
- Re: $250.00 on $1.00 bet
- DDD Card Room, CA
- Re: DDD Card Room, CA
- Re: DDD Card Room, CA
- Hey Tommy
- well maybe he will! LOL
- California Chip Of The Day!
- Chip Dress
- Re: Chip Dress
- Re: Chip Dress
2-tix, Jimmy Buffet, MGM Garden, face value..
- No longer available.
A few hrs. to go on AC roulette chips
- The proceeds are going to a good cause
- Tachikawa AFB NCO
- Bob, they look great! Was it Air Mail by any...
- Re: Tachikawa AFB NCO
- Thanks for the info. I don't have any traders.They
- What type...
- I have no idea what that is
- Chips For Sale
- Need ID Help and chips are
- Western Rm-Gavelston-Ed Hertel's Guide
- Re: Western Rm-Gavelston-Ed Hertel's Guide
- Re: Western Rm-Gavelston-Ed Hertel's Guide
- Re: Need ID Help and chips are
- Re: Need ID Help and chips are
- Re: Need ID Help and chips are
MGM Baccarat Chip
- New Playboy Casino planned for London
- Re: New Playboy Casino planned for London
- Gaming Token of the Day
NLV-- Silver Nugget
- "Silver Nugget" match covers
Very Nice!!
A chip and few slot cards...
MGM $25 Tyson/Holyfield Chip
MGM $25 Tyson/Botha Chip
MGM Foreman $25 Chip
MGM Tyson $25 Chip
- A question similiar to Andy's
- Re: A question similiar to Andy's
- Re: A question similiar to Andy's
- Pass completely
- Just Took a Good Luck.....
- Meant LOOK
- I would find a price
- Re: I would find a price
- There are one or two id would grab
- Cleaning Chips with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
- Re: Cleaning Chips with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
- Agree With the Hot Stamps
John Riggins LE collection Sale 12
John Riggins LE collection Sale 11
John Riggins LE collection Sale 10
John Riggins LE collection Sale 9
- Alteration to Sale 9
John Riggins LE collection Sale 8
John Riggins LE collection Sale 7
John Riggins LE collection Sale 6
John Riggins LE collection Sale 5
- Nickle of the day
A Page a Day
- Octagonal Chip of the Day....
- trust the arts...not the yankees
One day to go on AC roulettes
- Re:
One day to go on AC roulettes
- Personal chip for Wednesday
- Steve Palumbo Octagon...love it.
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor... 12:01 AM, EDT
- HOTROD OF THE DAY for 10-20...NCR
- '57 Chev's 1 of my Favorites!!!
Mahoneys St Pats $100
- Wheel Casino Free Play Token
- Neat token Barry !
- Show me yours and I'll show you mine.
- Anyone Still Collect Reno Chips?
- Gene- Borland Souvenir Chips
- Re: Gene- Borland Souvenir Chips
Mind Sharing
- Re:
Mind Sharing
- Thanks, No Rush
- Any one have an ID on this DTL chip?
- What is value of common silver $ today?
- Silver closed at $23.37 today - Go GIANTS!
- Melt value is $18.08 as of today
- Silver down today....
- Thanks all, vegas used to give them as change
- I Remember Also....
- Re: What is value of common silver $ today?
- NCR-What Was Your Best Find John?
- Re: NCR-What Was Your Best Find John?
- John,what kind of machine are you using?I just
- Re: John,what kind of machine are you using?I just
- California Chip Of The Day!
- Re: California Chip Of The Day! Info
Older and rarer chips
- Yankee bats better come alive tonight Judy
- so far, not so bad....
- I have a feeling we are looking at the fork
- Re: Yankee bats better come alive tonight Judy
- Rare Lighters & Ashtrays For Top $$$$
- Re: Rare Lighters & Ashtrays For Top $$$$
John Riggins LE collection Sale 4
- are these all unc? if so i will take them
- Yes, all uncirc.
John Riggins LE collection Sale 3
- This group is
John Riggins LE collection Sale 2
John Riggins LE collection Sale 1
- Time is running out
- It's a done deal..............
- Neal, your mailbox is full.
- thanks... fixed
- dont forget to mess up Tommy's!!!
- Re: dont forget to mess up Tommy's!!!
- Today's SNAPPER
- Dig Deep!!!
- cannot find sterlings magic locally
- Re: cannot find sterlings magic locally
- Re: cannot find sterlings magic locally
- Re: cannot find sterlings magic locally
- Charlie Don't do Links
- Re: cannot find sterlings magic locally
- Here you go, Gene!
1993 BARGE chips...
- Wait a minute........
- Nice
- Chip for Today
- Monogram Inlaid Question
- Re: Monogram Inlaid Question
- Re: Monogram Inlaid Question
2-tix, Jimmy Buffet, MGM Garden, face value..
- No longer available
- b,p,o,e chips
- Is there a book that covers it?
- One day maybe....
- Re: One day maybe....
- Re: One day maybe....
Vegas Strip Chip "Pick-up"
- Business Card of the Day
- Picture1..front view
- Picture2..front & sign
- Bill Borland-Survey
- Not a simple answer
- That Lucayan looks great. Cleaned up really nice..
- Yeah, it sure did
- NO!
- No
- The one thing that turned me off the most with him
- Re: I don't think so... No
- No.
- No
- Borland story
- Re: Borland story
- Re: Borland story
- Re: Bill Borland-Survey
- Re: Bill Borland-Survey
- Chip Rack 10th Edition is obsolete
- don't have that edition can someone please post
- Many, many years ago....
- no
Some Nice Chips
- Nickle of the day
- 25¢ Golden Gate chip N1708
- $1 Las Vegas Club N1863
- Gaming Token of the Day
- Some seriously great chips, Brian!
- Wow!
- Re:
LV-- "Sweeeet"--
- Re:
- VERY nice chips!!!!!
- A Couple Arodie Chips
4 Island Chips at Face
I would like to have them
- Re:
I would like to have them
- UPDATE on Greg Susong Trip Around the World!
- Bill Borland and Jimbo Through The Years
- Thanks Gene for the detailed information
- Re: Bill Borland and Jimbo Through The Years
- Re: Man up JIMBO
- Gene or David Spragg...
- Re: Gene or David Spragg...
- Re: Gene or David Spragg...
- Re: Gene or David Spragg...
- Lol
- Re: Lol
- Re: Lol Correction
John Riggins LE collection update
- why not free ???
- Re:
- Just sent an email to you
$$$ paid or
These 3 CHIPS
Beverley C C - NOLA Illegal - REDUCED
- Check Email For Trade Proposal Please
A Page a Day
- Personal chip of the day
Atlantic City Chips
- Octagonal Chip of the day.....
- Scan of the set....
- $500 chip is only...
- Re: Scan of the set....
one of the $100 chips
Fellow USA chippers .....
- Re:
Fellow USA chippers .....
- Happy birthday Steve.
NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Steve...
- NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Steve...
- Re:
NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Steve...
- Happy Birthday Steve!
- Happy Birfday Steve, from an ex....
- Have A Great Day Steve