Free to Good Home,, First 2 Members,,

that reply to this post gets these Awesome Personals!! I guess you could say this is a Pay it Forward gift!!!! The FIRST person that replies to this posting saying they want them gets their choice of the First 12 chips, the Second Person gets whats left. I figure one of the members that want to collect personals like I do would love to have these. I have been so very Blessed with such Great Members that have helped me I want to help someone else. I have packaged another member 9 personals that they needed. Anyway, I hope & pray whoever ends up with these enjoy them as much as I do!! They are a "Hoot" to collect!!!!!!! I have always thought these were the Very Best chip to collect because they mean something to the person or they wouldn't have paid money to have them made. Thank you all for putting up with me and helping me. Take care & Have a great night. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! Mark