So who wants some? My plan is to get and bunch of $1's and $5's, but if you want $25's I can do that too. Also going to try to get a few roulettes, but we will see how that goes. Does not look like there will be a Grand Opening chip
Prices: $1 = $2.25
$5 = $7.25
$25 = $28.50
Shipping is $2 for the 1st 3 chips, add $.50 per chip after for 1st class.
Payment: Paypal "gift".
We will also have them listed on ebay tonight, I can never get the links to work right, but our seller ID is : meetusatthepark
Questions/Orders just send an email. Of course I will be on the strip tonight, so if I dont get back to your right away, I'm probably already down there.