I thought the purpose of the list was to show who was selling slabbed chips. If that is not the purpose, please explain what the list means. If that is the purpose of the list, then I don't see why anyone/business should be on the list if they do not sell slabbed chips. If a seller hasn't sold a slabbed chip in 6 years, I do not believe they should be on the list. Personally, I would find a list of people/companies that have sold slabbed chips at some time to be essentially worthless. Although I appreciate the efforts people before me put in to keeping slabs out of the hobby, and I don't appreciate efforts made by some to bring slabs into the hobby, I don't think it's such an unforgivable crime that it should never be forgiven. I thought the list was to help chippers know who was trying to bring slabs into the hobby, Most boycotts end when the offending behavior ends. Why is this situation different? If the list involves criteria other than actively and currently selling slabs, I have a problem supporting it.
Michael Siskin