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The Chip Board Archive 19

I Like Little Debbie!!
In Response To: John I prefer Betty Crocker ()

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Gold over 1200.00 SILVER OVER 19.00
...and your advice; Buy or Sell grin ?
John I never advise on Medals, Stocks,orWomen but
I prefer Pillsbury over Gold Medal...
John I prefer Betty Crocker
I Like Little Debbie!!
BUY Banannas... U Can't Eat Gold vbg
I'm on my way to WALMART - Still 39c a pound grin
On 9/12/01 Gold was at...
Wall Street Adage
I don't know what that means?
Re: I don't know what that means?
I think I get it....!
John, That Remark Could Get you Shot in Texas! grin
Hell, you guys even barBQ armadillos!
EVERYONE Doesn't?? rofl
Think about converting to Silver Coin.
As the $Dollar continues to weaken....
What makes you say the dollar continues to weaken?
Re: What makes you say the dollar continues to wea
Re: What makes you say the dollar continues to wea
Very cool... Thanks! USA
Bloomberg London, Dec 02 01:54
Large quantities? I guess that...
Not as many as I had on 9/12 sad USA
Re: What makes you say the dollar continues to wea
Not wrong if you are looking at spot rates, but
David, you're thinking too much .... remember ...
Yes, I see what you mean. I guess that if you
Check out this...
Re: Check out this...
and from the UK we have:
Invest in Chips?
Ok, I predict 50%. Link to my website here

Copyright 2022 David Spragg