Neither Steves post or mine had anything to do with party affiliation.
I would have said the same exact thing to Paul had he been posting pro Republican comments instead.
This entire thread started due to a simple request I made to Paul.
All I asked is that Paul lay off the Political posts for a few days during the Thanksgiving weekend.
Anyone who reads this board no matter what party they are affiliated with can easily see that Paul had made post after post over the past few weeks. in effect "Stirring the pot" and solicit Political commentary and rebuttal.
In fact I had pointed out that 99% of Pauls posts were political in nature.
Rather than think about my comments, Paul choose to add a dozen posts right after one another stating that they are non pititics related. It is my opinion that these posts were a direct response to my request and there was no reason for them other than to spite me (Just my opinion).
Do I agree with Paul on many of his issues? I obviously dont.
However that has absolutely no effect on what my request was of him.
Why did I not say the same thing to Rich Hanover with his post? Simple, he makes only an occational post on political topics and it is just a small portion of what he contributes to this board. Had it been Rich making these posts day after day after day, I would have said the same thing to him.
You can believe whatever you wish, but thats the absolute truth.
What Started this thread was Steves comment of "Is this necessary" and I stand with him that is was absolutely not.
I guess we could have avoided the whole thing if I had not spoken up, but I feel I spoke for many with the same opinion.
If I had been the one doing all that posting and someone said to me what I had said to Paul (Which had been done in the past), I would have realized that I was in fact causing trouble and taken the time to reflect on what I was doing.
Believe it or not, we all want the same thing here.
We all want whats best for our Country.
We all want whats best for our Hobby.
We all want to remain friends.
Thats all I have to say on this subject and I sincerely hope everyone who reads this understands where I was coming from.