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The Chip Board Archive 19

More El Rey Posts

If there any newspaper collectors out there (or if you know of some) you may have a new customer...

I'm on the hunt to locate quite a few Hollywood celebrities, past and present. Maybe you can help...

Didn't hear about some of Willie Martello's gaming license troubles? Well then...

The list of names I hope to know more about (with your help, I hope) continues to grow...

And because Harry still hasn't responded to my requests, I stir the pot some more...

I've also updated my "WISH LIST" and I am hopeful someone will have items to sell or trade...

For those who haven't spent any time learning a damned thing about the lousy El Rey Club (LOL)...
(The first post is at the bottom)

Maybe some replies that are not SPAM will hit my inbox soon!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg