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The Chip Board Archive 19

My opinion, Doug...things like prayers & thoughts

of well-wishing are more of a personal matter...some people -- many people -- keep these things to themselves, yet still carry on the act of prayer or sending of good thoughts. I wouldn't let it bother you too much.

As far as the politcal postings go, I could never really understand their purpose(s). Each one has some bias to it and no one ever seems to win. Even those posts that present political "facts" are laced with bias towards one party or ideology. And through all of this, will you change ANY of the Democrats' minds or will any (or all) of the Democrats change your mind...doubtful.

What we all can do, as voters, is voice our opinion at each & every opportunity and on each & every level (from city hall to state senates to the White House) with our vote. May seem PollyAnna-ish of me, but that's my story & I'm sticking to it. grin


Messages In This Thread

A Surprising and disappointing observation. sad
Sorry to hear!
My opinion, Doug...things like prayers & thoughts
Doug look at it this way we LIVE we LAUGH we are
NOW for a glass of SAKI grin
Sorry should have been LOVE
Re: A Surprising and disappointing observation. sad
I agree. You love your country as much as those ..

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