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The Chip Board Archive 19
Discontinued! You get the new Obama plan...
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Got a nice little letter from BlueCrossBlueShield
No ebay for now
Messages In This Thread
NCR: Health care......Read This
I don't believe it .....
AARP or AMA website for truth on healthcare issues
Re: AARP or AMA Are in BED with..
I wonder why Connelly didn't provide ...
Re: I wonder why Connelly didn't provide ...
Re: I wonder why Connelly didn't provide ...
John, ...
Wow, once you say it a few dozen times, you start
Got a nice little letter from BlueCrossBlueShield
They get taxed under the new proposed Senate Bill
That may be, but they still make barrels of cash
Blue Cross is not a for profit Corp.
Don't Be Fooled By The
I meant Insurance Co.'s In General
Is profit a dirty word?
No, but "barrels of cash" and trying to find a way
(Message Deleted by Poster)
I don't respond to hypothetical questions
I totally Agree John
WRONG. BCBS Foundation is Non-Profit. Insurance is
Yes, but at 50% LESS than the ...
BTW, I was once one of those folks who was told to
Discontinued! You get the new Obama plan...
Tell us more about the Death Pannels BECK is ...
Sure, Archie... I watch BECK from time-to-time.
More boogy men.
What gets me, though ...
Re: Hey Paul
Re: Hey Paul
Funny how the opposition ...
But youve been doing that for years
Stupid Americans!
Re: Funny how the opposition ...
You have got to be kidding Right?
Actually I am very serious.
Since you brought it up; Military Tribunals
Re: Since you brought it up; Military Tribunals
As I said: "SWIFT" and " any cost."
Bring him to TEXAS... We have EXPRESS Checkout
Now that's a FACT...!
Re: Since you brought it up; Military Tribunals
Re: Actually I am very serious.
a look in the Mirror.
I guess you must be referring to this?
actually this was more like it.
Re: actually this was more like it.
NCR GITMO right or wrong.
Re: NCR GITMO right or wrong.
NCR You may not be a dem. or a repub. But
Let me change the arguement this time....
You bandie about alot of claims
Re: You bandie about alot of claims
and if opinions are presented
Re: and if opinions are presented
OMG ...
I will just drop this useless...
Paul-try thinking for yourself once in awhile
You mean like The Glenn Beck Way?
Actually Paul, I work all day and do not have the
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