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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Your Collection Mortality....
In Response To: Your Collection Mortality.... ()

Actually, I'm thinkin of MY mortality more and more lately so yes, it is a good idea to sort this out as soon as you can. Every once in a while I shout at my ladyfriend, "Grab the wheel!" JUst to make sure she's listening. My collection is pretty good, I'd say. The main value wouldcome from passing along some of the more hard to find pieces. I've been lucky to have tough pieces just appear before my eyes when I happened to have a buck or two. REmembering the pleasure of acquisition of these chips makes it worth my time to plan ahead so that another collector can find his been-looking-for-that chip. Told a couple of folks how I want it done and where to look for insructions. Got a guy I wish to take the collection and auction it off. Seems the best way to realize the most money so' they can at least get my tookus covered with dirt. Even though I've got everything set up for painless eBay sales, that seems like more tedium than i want anyone to go through. Donate to the club and museum? Please glue them to some plywood and set it in the window. vbg Encase them in lucite so we can keep the chipboard going for years more with "How do you extract chips from lucite?" queries.

Messages In This Thread

Your Collection Mortality....
Interesting thought....
Our Daughter and son... vbg
Part of my collection will go to
Re: Part of my collection will go to Same Here
Mine too!
Is that snapper current?
No....Casino a Stanley....
wow Mike, that is pretty much
Re: Your Collection Mortality....
here's the owner of mine!
Re: here's the owner of mine!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
A thought for the BOD?
Such a service would...
That really is a good idea.
As told to you in the past, there are pitfalls...
Dick -- you're a member of the Palnning Committee
Re: Dick -- you're a member of the Palnning Commit
Re: Dick -- you're a member of the Palnning Commit
I'm willing all my chips to my dog !
Re: I'm willing all my chips to my dog !
Mike, have you considered adoption?...
My X Wife Gets Mine....
YES! I need someone to look after me in old age!!
Not sure who that would be. Afterall, I'd just be
I'm taking mine with me!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg